BIOGRAPHY Mirza Ahmad Sohrab was born "about 1894" ( My Baha'i Pilgrimage , page 21), to a family who were already, or very shortly became Baha'i. Sohrab was born near Esphahan in the village of Isfahan Province, Persia (now Iran). Sohrab's father Abdu'l-Baghi was a descendent of Muhammad. Abdu'l-Baghi was a farmer "possessed of broad lands" and also chief dyer of the town. Both sides of Sohrab's family, his mother and his father, claimed descent from the Imam Husayn, grandson of Muhammad. His mother died when Sohrab was a few months old, while she herself was still a teenager, and he was taken to live with his maternal grandmother in Isfahan. ( My Baha'i Pilgrimage , page 25) Mirza Ahmad Sohrab hailed from Isfahan, in Iran. He emigrated to Acre at the age of 12. After a short stay there he was sent by Sir Abbas Effendi to Port Sa...