Shoghi created a history by excommunicating all the members from the progeny of Bahaullah. Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, the secretary of Abdul Baha writes in his book "Grandson of Abdul Baha": - "The law of excommunication puts an absolute ban on those who are expelled from the Faith. The families of these persons and their fellow- believers must leave the ostracized individuals alone.They must neither communicate nor associate with them. They must break all ties of friendship and of humanity even; for, if they deviate one hair’s breath from this law, they themselves fall into the same ditch. Thus as time goes on, the number of the excommunicated increases;for a few are generally to be found, here and there, who are willing to risk ease and safety in order to follow their generous impulses. Such evidently was the case in the instance of Touba Khanum; it probably is ...